World Fair Trade Day

May 10, Saturday

World Fair Trade Day
© ShutterStock
World Fair Trade Day is celebrated annually on the second Saturday in May. This day is dedicated to promoting the principles of fair trade, supporting sustainable development and social justice in international trade relations. It was established by the World Fair Trade Organization to draw attention to issues of inequality, exploitation and unfair practices in world trade, and to promote an economy based on respect for human rights, environmental protection and fair income distribution.

Fair Trade Principles
Fair wages. Producers should receive decent wages for their work, which allow them to provide for their families and develop their activities. This also includes protection from exploitation and ensuring a stable income.

Transparency and accountability. All participants in trade processes must act transparently and honestly, and be accountable for fulfilling their obligations.

Abolition of child labor and exploitation. Fair trade is categorically against the exploitation of child labor and other forms of violence against workers.

Equality and non-discrimination. Fair Trade promotes gender equality, respect for women's rights and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.

Safe working conditions. Workers must have access to safe working conditions that protect their health and provide decent living conditions.

Caring for the environment. Fair trade pays special attention to environmental standards and the use of natural resources in a way that minimizes harm to ecosystems.

How is World Fair Trade Day celebrated
Events and campaigns. On this day, many events are organized, including fairs, exhibitions, conferences and seminars, where consumers can learn more about the principles of fair trade and buy products certified as Fair Trade.

Educational campaigns. Many countries carry out campaigns to promote ethical consumption and inform the public about the importance of fair trade. Such campaigns are often aimed at young people and consumers, encouraging them to buy products that help support small producers and sustainable production methods.

Support for local and international brands. Many companies and brands that support the principles of fair trade use this day to showcase their initiatives for ethical production and improved working conditions.

Events in schools and universities. Lectures and educational programs are held in educational institutions to raise students' awareness of the importance of fair trade and its role in the global economy.

Solidarity actions. Solidarity actions with producers from developing countries are held in many countries, including collective events and charity events.
World Fair Trade Day – days left: 67. Create Countdown to Event

World Fair Trade Day in other years

World Fair Trade Day in other countries

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